Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 1st at Kerrytown Concert House (KCH) in Ann Arbor with bandleaders Elden Kelly and Carl Cafagna. This show will feature some top players from Detroit and Ann Arbor including Violist Leslie DeShazor, Dwight Adams (trumpet), Damon Warmack (bass) and Gayelynn Mckinney (drums).
Joining Carl at KCH will be Dr. Scott Cowan, trumpet, Terry Kimura, trombone, Sven Anderson, piano, Shannon Wade, bass and Jesse Kramer, drums.For more information and to reserve your tickets visit: Kerrytown Concert House.
Gregg announces Gregg Hill Publishing's new web site where you can now download music from his first two live shows. To download visit our MUSIC page.
Gregg and Lois meet up for Tuesday night Jazz at "Morts". Music starts at 7p.m. Come in early to get your delicious dinner and seats. Gregg Hill Publishing is now a sponsor for this live weekly event.